Wellness Lab Work

We carry out several diagnostic tests at Woodland Springs to screen pets for any underlying health conditions. These tests include:

Feline Leukemia and FIV Testing

Woodland Springs recommends this important screening test for all kittens that have not been previously tested. Both feline leukemia and FIV (feline immunodeficiency virus) are common and deadly diseases that kittens can contract from their mothers. Following initial screening, your veterinarian will help determine if it is necessary to test for this virus in the future. Cats that live outdoors or cats that are prone to getting into fights are likely contenders for yearly testing. +

Intestinal Parasite Screening

We recommend every dog and cat that visits Woodland Springs have at least one yearly fecal sample evaluation. This test will check for many different intestinal parasites such as roundworms, hookworms, whipworms, tapeworms, coccidia and giardia. Intestinal parasites are common findings, and many animals may be asymptomatic. Some of these parasites can spread to people, so this test is highly necessary to protect your pet and family’s health. +

Wellness Blood Work

Annual blood work evaluation is very important to help assess pets’ internal organs and can lead to early detection and treatment of various diseases. Additionally, yearly blood work helps establish a benchmark for your pet that we can evaluate over time for subtle changes. Our veterinarians have designed different recommended blood panels based on your pet’s age and weight. Each panel includes evaluation of liver, kidneys, blood sugar, blood protein levels and blood-cell count (both red and white). We also check middle-aged and senior pets’ thyroids. The senior pet panel also includes urinalysis. +

Heartworm and Tick-Borne Disease Testing

We recommend having your dog tested for heartworms every year regardless of if he or she is currently on a preventative care regimen. Our heartworm test also screens for five different tick-borne diseases that are common in this area and can be life threatening if left untreated. We require a heartworm test before prescribing heartworm prevention. +

Wellness Care

Physical Exams

At Woodland Springs, we strive to promote healthy pets through highly educated owners. That means we believe in performing regular examinations on your pet that give us an overall picture of his or her state of health and allow us to detect health issues before they become problematic and difficult to treat. We perform comprehensive, nose-to-tail exams and diagnostic testing before we determine any course of treatment. During an exam, we assess the following areas on pets:
  • Vital signs – temperature, respiration rate, weight and pulse
  • Snout – nose and nasal passages
  • Ears – checked for yeast, foreign objects, bacteria and parasites
  • Eyes – checked for injuries, ulcers and any other abnormalities
  • Mouth – gums, teeth, tongue and palate are checked for issues, fractures, tumors, infections and anemia
  • Skin – checked for issues including allergies, infections, warts, cysts and tumors
  • Abdomen – checked for abnormalities like enlarged organs, masses and painful areas
  • Reproductive system – inspected for swelling, discharge and lumps
  • Legs and feet – moved around and checked for irregularities
  • Lymph nodes – checked for enlargement and other anomalies
We may also recommend blood, urine and fecal screenings to get a clearer picture of your pet’s overall health.

Lifestage Wellness

Just as it is with humans, your pet’s health care needs will change with the passage of time. Dogs and cats age at a quicker rate than people, however, and each stage their lives requires different approaches to wellness care. The staff here at Woodland Springs Veterinary Hospital understands the needs of pets regardless of age and has developed three wellness plans for each stage in your pet’s life.
  • Puppy and Kitten Care – Our wellness plans begin with puppy and kitten exams. During these initial exams, we perform a comprehensive check-up, administer the necessary vaccinations, perform fecal exams and deworming and apply heartworm prevention.
  • Junior Wellness Care – For Woodland Springs’ patients that are no longer in infancy but have not quite reached adulthood, Woodland Springs offers the Junior Wellness Care plan, which includes a complete physical exam and blood profile that serves as a benchmark for future diagnostics.
  • Senior Wellness Care – Your pet will reach his or her senior citizen years around the age of seven and will require much different care than an infant or junior pet. Woodland Springs’ Senior Wellness Care plan includes an examination, blood profile and urine tests. Regular exams are necessary during your pet’s golden years due to their increased likelihood of developing diseases like diabetes, arthritis and cancer.