About Our Vaccine Recommendations


The state of Texas requires every dog to get a rabies vaccine. We use a three-year vaccine, which means your dog will need this vaccine once every three years following the initial rabies vaccination and one-year booster. +

Distemper/Adenovirus 2/Parvovirus

This vaccine is an essential pet vaccination recommended for all dogs. It protects against three common, deadly viral diseases that affect canines. Following the initial puppy vaccine series, we use a three-year vaccine with a proven record of effectiveness, which allows for less-frequent injections. +


This vaccine protects dogs against bordetella, which is more commonly known as kennel cough. It provides protection against bordetella and parainfluenza, which are infections that affect the canine upper respiratory system. We recommend every dog that will be boarded, groomed, attending doggie day care or going on walks in dog parks get this dog vaccination. +


Although this dog vaccine is not considered to be core vaccine, it is still recommended for all healthy dogs in our area. The leptospirosis vaccine protects against four different strains of leptospirosis bacteria that are known to affect our canine friends. Leptospirosis is a bacterial infection that causes acute kidney and/or liver failure in dogs and can be passed on to people via infected dogs. A dog may contract this bacteria by coming into contact moist soils where wildlife like squirrels, opossums, raccoons, deer and other animals have occupied. This is most commonly transmitted through the urine as well as from contaminated water. +

Puppy Vaccine Schedule

Puppy Vaccine Schedule